Public Placemaking

We are working with framework provider LHC to deliver public and social buildings, homes and communities across the UK

LHC provides OJEU-compliant frameworks that can be used by local authorities, social landlords and other public sector bodies to procure works, products and services for the construction, refurbishment and maintenance of social housing, schools and public buildings.

This Architectural Design Services framework (ADS 1.1), which is available across all London boroughs, has been delivered in partnership with Southwark Council. A key aim was to remove procurement related barriers often faced by architects and in doing so to promote a broader range of skilled design-led practices, with a particular focus on equality, diversity and inclusion.

The Framework is split into seven Lots. Daykin Marshall Studio are appointed in Lot Seven, which crosses all sectors and types of project.

Built around a commitment to collaborative practice we have developed a close working relationship with LHC and Southwark Council through our current live work. Click on the thumbnails to the right to learn more.

Further information on the ADS 1.1 framework is available on the LHC Website

This multi-disciplinary consultancy framework (MDC 1) provides an efficient, value for money procurement route for local authorities, registered social landlords, councils, boards, trusts, and other public sector bodies seeking a comprehensive range of high-quality consultancy services across multiple disciplines.

The framework is split into two regions, one covering London and South-East England, and the other the Midlands, East Anglia, North-east and North-west.

Suitable for public sector refurbishment and new build projects of all sizes, it enables organisations to access pre-approved suppliers to achieve a compliant asset management regime across a range of buildings including:

  • Publicly funded schools, universities and colleges
  • NHS healthcare buildings
  • Fire, ambulance and police stations
  • Public offices
  • Community buildings
  • Residential properties (when part of a mixed-use development)
  • Student accommodation
  • Commercial to residential conversions
  • Other public buildings

We are actively working with the LHC and CPC teams to engage with Local Authorities and other bodies to promote the framework. We share a common values and take a people-centred approach to all we do. The positive experience and wellbeing of those living in, working in, visiting or maintaining our buildings is foremost in our minds when we’re designing. We want to deliver tangible social value and community benefit.

For more information on the London and South-East framework visit the LHC Website

For more information on the Midlands and Northern framework visit the CPC Website

We put local people at the centre of shaping where they live and work. This diagram shows engagement at the heart of the process, driving the cyclical creative dialogue informing and improving the design.

Infill development, such as the reuse of garage block sites like this site for one of our current projects, is at the heart of Southwark's New Homes programme

An early diagram for our South London project with Southwark Council

Public engagement events are a vital forum for discussion with local residents and have continued, despite Covid. This one was on a cold and wet November 2021 afternoon, but it didn't deter us!

As part of the wider community engagement programme we were invited to meet with local South London students to explore ways to bring younger groups into consultation processes. All too often engagement is targeted at older/adult groups with the voice and views of those who stand to benefit, or will be affected by, in the longer term.

The outcome of a series of workshops is a film made by We Rise called 'Engage the Future'. Read more and watch the film here

It's important to revisit engagement and consultation discussions to feedback the progress made. This was a follow-up event in March 2022.